Monday, April 20, 2015

2 Days Without

What an odd experience. During the Friday and Saturday of this last week I abstained from technology as instructed and my goodness was it strange. It reminded me of when I was a lot younger, back before smart phones were so ubiquitous. Though even then I watched plenty of TV and played Pokemon. I am so glad that some non technology dependent hobby's because I found myself having a lot more free time. 
I do feel that I missed out on some of the full experience due to having to work on both days of my abstinence. I feel that I wasn't really able to appreciate the experience while at work. Did I mention how fantastic it is not being able to receive calls or texts? My time became less shared and more my own. I didn't notice a significant increase in my socialization, I am a pretty social person even with my technology dependence, BUT I did play cards with my grandma. 
The worst thing about not having technology was probably the paranoia that something was going wrong for someone and I couldn't be contacted. That and work breaks were a lot more boring. I wish I would have done this on some kind of vacation, that would have been so nice. 
All in all I feel that I should practice more restraint on my technology use. I don't necessarily feel that technology is something weighing my life down, but I do feel that there are things I neglect because of it. I do think that I browse reddit too frequently, goodness the content replenishes too quickly its like a black hole for my time.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Device Review

Though I was going to try and find a device a little more developed than this one, I ended up picking a newer iteration of the 3d printer. I picked it because it is the coolest thing on the planet. This new 3d printer looked to The Terminator  for inspiration when developing Carbon3d. 

As you can see the the video linked above, the process of printing is vastly different from the current existing market of 3d printers. The speed of this form of printing can be 25-100 times faster than current methods, thus making the process much more practical. This is currently pushing the 3d printing field into new areas. So a large amount of companies that plan on making use of 3d printers have been eyeballing it since the developers launched their website With faster 3d printing, this technology becomes even more relevant to places like hospitals, where even just a few seconds can make a huge difference.

In spite of how exciting this specific model of 3d printing is, I am not necessarily more excited about it rather than how this demonstrates the versatility of 3d printing technology. Clearly we have barely scratched the surface of what 3d printing will eventually become. Soon  the limits that we currently face with printing technology will serve to incite further innovation till we begin manufacturing everything through this technology. I didn't necessarily pick 3d printing because I liked it the most, I picked it because I feel it may become one of the most influential new technologies right now.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

App Review

Wakie is a social alarm clock. I picked it as my app because it is incredibly difficult to wake up sometimes and this alarm clock is an inventive solution to that.
The app allows you to either be the person who calls to wake up a person or the receiver of the call. It boasts that conversation is one of the most stimulating ways to be woken up, but at 60 seconds the call will automatically disconnect.
This is very innovative when compared to the other alarm clocks on the app store so with it being free The app began as an android only app, but recently it debuted on the apple app store, though it hasn't been immensely successful their yet. I feel it will begin to garner a lot more attention.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Medium is the Message is the Medium

"Medium is the message is the medium". This is a simple statement but it has a lot of depth. I feel it implies that the medium isn't just a means of communication but also apart of the message being conveyed. So as an example, a song carrying a message is very different from a message carried through a letter. The medium used can both enhance or detract from the intent of the message. As media has advanced and technology has become more complex I feel this statement has become even more relevant. Using apps as an example, contacting someone through a normal messaging app sends a very different message than contacting them on "tinder". As mediums of communication becomes more and more diversified the statement "Medium is the message is the medium" will continue to be relevant.