Monday, April 20, 2015

2 Days Without

What an odd experience. During the Friday and Saturday of this last week I abstained from technology as instructed and my goodness was it strange. It reminded me of when I was a lot younger, back before smart phones were so ubiquitous. Though even then I watched plenty of TV and played Pokemon. I am so glad that some non technology dependent hobby's because I found myself having a lot more free time. 
I do feel that I missed out on some of the full experience due to having to work on both days of my abstinence. I feel that I wasn't really able to appreciate the experience while at work. Did I mention how fantastic it is not being able to receive calls or texts? My time became less shared and more my own. I didn't notice a significant increase in my socialization, I am a pretty social person even with my technology dependence, BUT I did play cards with my grandma. 
The worst thing about not having technology was probably the paranoia that something was going wrong for someone and I couldn't be contacted. That and work breaks were a lot more boring. I wish I would have done this on some kind of vacation, that would have been so nice. 
All in all I feel that I should practice more restraint on my technology use. I don't necessarily feel that technology is something weighing my life down, but I do feel that there are things I neglect because of it. I do think that I browse reddit too frequently, goodness the content replenishes too quickly its like a black hole for my time.

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