Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Device Review

Though I was going to try and find a device a little more developed than this one, I ended up picking a newer iteration of the 3d printer. I picked it because it is the coolest thing on the planet. This new 3d printer looked to The Terminator  for inspiration when developing Carbon3d. 

As you can see the the video linked above, the process of printing is vastly different from the current existing market of 3d printers. The speed of this form of printing can be 25-100 times faster than current methods, thus making the process much more practical. This is currently pushing the 3d printing field into new areas. So a large amount of companies that plan on making use of 3d printers have been eyeballing it since the developers launched their website With faster 3d printing, this technology becomes even more relevant to places like hospitals, where even just a few seconds can make a huge difference.

In spite of how exciting this specific model of 3d printing is, I am not necessarily more excited about it rather than how this demonstrates the versatility of 3d printing technology. Clearly we have barely scratched the surface of what 3d printing will eventually become. Soon  the limits that we currently face with printing technology will serve to incite further innovation till we begin manufacturing everything through this technology. I didn't necessarily pick 3d printing because I liked it the most, I picked it because I feel it may become one of the most influential new technologies right now.

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